10 facts about Lactofiltrum®


  1. Scientific research by the Russian-Swiss pharmaceutical group AVVA Pharmaceutical AG.

  1. Has been produced since 2001 of high-quality material at the factory AVVA RUS in Kirov (Russian Federation); since 2010 the medical product has had over-the-counter status in the Russian Federation.

  1. It is produced in several forms: tablets 0.65 g 30 and 60 pieces per pack; sachets 2.4 g 10 pieces per pack.

  1. Lactofiltrum® effectivity is proved by clinical researches (dysbacteriosis treatment – 6 researches, more than 300 patients; for dysbacteriosis prevention during antibiotic treatment – 5 researches , 171 patients; allergodermathosis, including atopic dermatitis – 6 researches, 153 patients; irritable bowel syndrome – 2 researches, 116 patients; complex treatment of gastric ulcer – 3 researches, 70 patients).

  1. After 30 days of Lactofiltrum® administration correction of skin automicroflora is marked in 80% of patients (the quantity of pathogenic flora decreases by 3.8 times).[1].

1 Lactofiltrum as a factor of bactericidal increase of skin function. V.А. Molochkov, Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Insitute named by M.F. Vladimirskogo, Moscow/Effective Medical Treatment in dermatology and dermatocosmetology #1 as of april 2010, p.22-24.

  1. The product administration during complex therapy against urticarial is clinically effective and allows to improve digestive tract functions and attaining full disease remission for 6 months.[2].

2 Lactofiltrum administration in the scheme of treatment of recurrent urticaria. Dityatkovskaya Е.M. Candidate of Medicine, Borzova Т.А., Gribanova L.V., Koretskaya Е.V., City Allergological Centre, Dnepropetrovsk.

  1. 3-week administration of the product by children promotes early fadeaway of clinical symptoms of atopic dermatitis and improves significantly intestine micro bial balance.[3].

3 Simultaneous enterosorption and intestine dysbacteriosis treatment by Lactofiltrrum for children in atopic dermatitis. N.V.Nagornaya, M.P.Limarenko, N.G.Logvinenko, N.V.Bezhok/Donetsk State Medical University after N.Gorkiy.

  1. Inclusion of Lactofiltrum® into therapy against atopic dermatitis allows to decrease terms of skin itching, duration and intensity of hyperemia, infiltration and skin dryness not less than by 7 days. A significant extention of disease remission terms has been marked during the above mentioned measuring.[4].

4 On the question of the therapy of allergic dermatosis in children and adults during in-office administration. M.D. Volkoslavskaya V.N., State Univers. Insitute of Dermatology and Venerology of NAMS of Ukraine, Kharkov/Health of Ukraine, #2, 2014., p.14

  1. During dysbacteriosis therapy Lactofiltrum® has shown positive effect in 100% cases: good effectivity has been marked in 87% and moderate – in 13%. [5].

5 4 Evaluation of effectivity and tolerance of Lactofiltrum in treatment of patients with gastroenterological diseases with intestine dysbacteriosis syndrome. N.V.Kharchenko, M.D., professor; V.V.Chernenko, Candidate of Medicine/National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named by P.L.Shupik, Kiev.

  1. The product is sold only at the drug stores withot prescription.

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for product and general inquiries: info@avvapharma.com
Instructions for use and indications are country specific. check product patient information leaflet in your market. Do not exceed recommended dose.
If you are pregnant or nursing, under the age of 18, or have a known a medical condition, you should consult your physician before using this or any dietary supplement.
Dietary supplements should not be used as substitute for a varied diet.